Monday, October 19, 2009

Wave Function

The most important question: Who am I?
I found the answer:
I am a WAVE and the wave function is:

Iψ> = c1IΦ1> + c2IΦ2> + c3IΦ3> + c4IΦ4> + c5IΦ5> + c6IΦ6> + c7IΦ7>
are 7 states Φi > because are 7 major chakras or energy centers.
You can read more about my wave function in my book: Who am I?

The chord, the wave function of each man is unique, and whether he be sleeping or waking, living or dead, his chord is always the same, and he can always be found by it.

My theory is about chakras and can be extended to the acupuncture points.
I am the first in the world who wrote a link between science and spirituality.
The most important question: Who am I?
I found the answer:
I am a WAVE and the wave function is:
|ψ> = c1|Φ1> + c2|Φ2> + c3|Φ3>+ ... + c(n-1)|Φ(n-1)> + cn|Φn>
are n states |Φi > because are n acupuncture points or energy centers.

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